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I got burned bad...

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January 22, 2010
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: I got burned bad...
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Ok, so this was about a year back, in my Marine Corps days. Me and this girl were hot and heavy. We had been together for about 7 months. And I thought things were going great. Hell, I really cared for her. So things are great for the longest time, we were having a blast together. Hell, I though things could lead to marriage. But I was dead wrong. She always had a problem with me being in the Marine Corps, especially me being Infantry. I had already been to Iraq once and came back without a scratch. So ofcourse she is one of the first to know that I would be going on a second combat tour in the near future.
So, she invites me over, we have the best, hottest weekend ever. I am seconds away from telling this girl that I absolutely love her when....right as I am about to say it, she says she wants to break up....Well hell. Apparently I am an idiot, because I definately did not see this coming. I am speechless. For Gods sake we are both naked in her bed and she is telling me this. She says how she doesnt think she can take me being in Iraq. How if something happened to me she doesnt think she could cope with it. What the hell about me for Gods sake??? Anyhow, I deployed two weeks later, made it through another combat deployment, and never spoke to her again. Hey, you live and you learn right?

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`Wow! Well I think that through a very bad experience you only become stronger and more aware of things. I am sure that the right woman will come along and will be there for you whether you are in the Military or not! Keep Smiling! At least this happened before it would have gotten more intense as in marriage and a child. You are the winner here!

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May 6, 2010
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`I think she was just so scared to lose you she decided to break up with you before she got hurt.
Even though you're having hot S-- lots of people don't trust in that it means more unless the other says otherwise.
Some people are so scared to show their love in fear of getting hurt they keep it to themselves and hope the other can read their mind and the love in their embrace.
I think if you shared with her how deeply in love you were with her she would have held onto you.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Well, I look at it this way. We volunteer for emotional damage when we enter a relationship. I do think that was really rotten of her telling you how she felt while in bed. To me, thats not love, thats abuse. Well anyways, if she 'had to' continue a relationship with you, it wouldn't of been a relationship, that would of been living a lie. So I would look at this as being positive, your free to look for your someone that will love you for who you are, unconditionally. Best wishes to you!


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Such an odd forum with the ability to reply so will try again and failure will not be back here...
Hi mikeusmc, yes we live and learn, doubtful you see will this response tho my 1st post, I seldom come here.

1st thanks for serving our country, I did the Vietnam thing 1969-71 so I got some mileage on you and experience.

Highly doubtful it had any thing to do with a 2nd tour and losing you to the enemy, just found an easy excuse out maybe wanted you 24/7.
Solders now have a high respect rating unlike the past.

Oh 1 X g/f used the words "friends with benefits" starting to make sense women also have needs.
Try to make contact with her, unsure if you discharged or making a 20 year career ?

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hugznkisses4u wrote: `
Some people are so scared to show their love in fear of getting hurt they keep it to themselves and hope the other can read their mind ...

Excellent point!

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